Board Meeting
The regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order at 4:30 p.m. by President George Griffin. In attendance were Susan Punzelt, Cherie Lehman, Roxanne Michels, Evie Gill, Janine Brann, Karen Earlywine, Richard Gross and Librarian Teresa Pennington. Absent was Trustee Bruce Young.
Minutes of Previous Meeting: MOTION: Griffin, second by Punzelt to approve April minutes as written. Motion carried.
A thank you from Allison Henson was read.
New member Richard Gross signed the Oath of Office and was welcomed by the board.
Committee Reports:
- Finance: Nothing unusual for the month. Some income has not yet been reported. MOTION: Gill, second by Earlywine to approve finance report. Motion carried.
- Book: None
- House: Librarian Pennington reported that a door had leaked during a rain. She will contact Tingley for repairs. A large chip has appeared on the front stairs that is a cause for concern. Concrete repairs will be needed for safety. The exterior doors were rekeyed on May 8 and are now all keyed alike.
Librarian’s Report: Statistics are normal for the month. MOTION: Lehman, second by Gross to approve statistics report. Motion carried.
Librarian Pennington reported that the library got the per capita grant. The Back to Books Grant was awarded to the library. Family Stem Night will be June 28 to discover the fun in science, tech engineering and math. A generous donation to be spent on children’s literacy was also received. Debra Ann Miller portraying Louisa May Alcott performed to a full audience. Katie Good will teach another cardmaking class on May 31. Coloring Night and Book club continue to meet once a month. Cub Scouts toured the library on April 24th. Yoga Storytime will return in June for older children.
- Friends: The friends will provide box lunches for the Stone soup troupe and pay for the Shakespeare ad in the Prairie Press.
Old Business: None
New Business: MOTION: Michels, second by Punzelt to close the library on July 7 for the Independence Day Celebration. Motion carried.
Miscellaneous: May 26 – Shakespeare in the Park; May 31 – Cardmaking Class; June 5th– Summer children’s programs begin; June 7 – The Basics: Memory Loss, Dementia and Alzheimer’s given by the Alzheimer’s Association (registration required). Tarble Arts Presentation will be in July.
Meeting adjourned at 5:03p.m. Next meeting is Monday, June 11, 2018.
Respectfully submitted,
Evie Gill, Secy.